Thursday, November 16, 2006

So touched

I made two friends this trip - Alvin and Jennifer. They are so nice to me, hard working with passions, they even took their time off to bring me out for nice places and meals which they don't really need to do that to me. And they also gave me an adorable cyrstal choker today!!

These people are just awesome, I am glad I have made friends with them. That's the valuable thing I got from this long trip! I think I hardly feel that way most of the time when I meet people at it's an unexpecting gift this time! I deifnitely will miss them when i leave tomorrow...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

What if you are sick overseas

Bad things keep happening to me. My allergy spread out fast this morning when I woke up. The first thing I asked myself, should i go to doctor? And the next answer is I can't wait coz it's spreading to other parts of my leg.

Called the house doctor from the hotel, he is so kind to treat me as the first appointment before any others and rushed to my hotel room. Then he diagonsis my allergy and finally I got two injections...and it costs skyhigh price!!! But I am satisfied with what he has done, he is very professional with the two injections, no pain and he keeps distracting me from the injections which helps. He talks to you like friends, ok, that worth skyhigh price, rite? Hahahaha.....

After talking to him, I learnt his professionals with some idea. He mainly caters for hotel guests and travel to the hotels to visit the travelling clients. He said normally patients who needs him are mostly urgent in nature coz they want to be cured immediately with the fastest method.
That's true...I was desparate enough to be cured immediately this morning!!!

After all, take my advice, try to take care yourself carefully when you are overseas. Try not to get sick coz the price to cure your sickness fast is Sky High Price in MONEY terms.

Friday, November 10, 2006

All of a sudden, my skin has allergy these few days. There are red spots and itching, I just don't know what to do...especially when I am out of town. Bad things keep coming to you when you are down...looking forward for tomorrow - a brand new day again i wish!!!

a cheer up message from someone

It's so nice that when you are down, you receive a cheer up message from someone. Thank you, you are just my angel at the right moment.

Good at nothing

Sometimes i asked myself what am i good at. Ashame of me, i don't think i am good at anything. I am not like other people who is good at playing sport, good at talking, good at pleasing people...sometimes people around me may think i am good at nothing, that could be true. I am not oustanding or excellent, i am just a simple and ordinary person. Please don't tell me how good other people are, i am not them, please. If you expect I am as good as those people, you are wrong. Give me a break!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My supper at the room

I am exhausted...again and again I expressed this these few months. I have nothing to say except i can tell you that i have a nice supper at the hotel room this Monday. I have a cream of minstrone soup and beef rib eye. It's just a nice meal for me. Good food is the only solution for me now to cure my tireness. Thinking what should I get for dinner tonight ;)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

i am tired

i am so tired, tired of work, study, relationships, office, mind is blank now. I just do things everyday without my soul. I just want a break to let myself stay in peace for a while, i don't want to worry about anything. Ai ya... i really need a break. I want to be myself for a short break...carefree may be just for 2 days?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Scary thing can happen around you any minute. Yesterday while i was having lunch with my clients, the lady sitting next to our table suddenly scream and cried out loudly, losing control of herself, broke the plate on the table and was trying to cut herself. We only knew that she was talking to the guy on the table and this all happened in a sudden. Obviously it's a quarrel.

We are so scared that the lady really trying to harm herself. It's just scary if a person wants to hurt himself or herself with any reason. Life is so precisou, how could you end your life so easily? Especially if you are just hurting yourself just because of a guy??? I just don't understand.

There are more other precisou things or people that you can treasure on earth, like your father, your mother, friends...we should be thankful that we are able to breathe everyday, walking around healthly.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Lake House & Click

Just watched two movies this week separately on the plane and on the DVD which both movies give me some kind of special feelings.

One is the love story called "Lake House" casting Keanu Reeves& Sandra Bullock and the other one is a comedy called "Click" casting Adam Sandler. I like the Lake House though some people said it's no difference from the original story-movie from Korea. However, I think the scenes, the performance of Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock is just perfect. They performend so well in the movice, just flow naturally. And one thing I like most is that the ending is a good one...which makes the movice wonderful to be watched. It's just romantic and touching! Even time cannot defeat Real Love!

For the movie "Click", I really don't think it's a good movie but the story behind this movie is really a good one. Guy always thinks that his wife or partner is so disturbing sometimes, so he got an amazing remote control which he could fast forward the disturbing moments he misses so many wodnerful things including the love from the family, when he realizes it, it's too message is clear here -- Family comes first!!!

These two movies just remind me how love can change things and how love is so real for human beings. We cannot live without love, isn't it so true?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Walking in the Rain

下大雨有時也不是太可怖, 因為你會發現空氣會清新一點, 地上也乾淨一點, 氣温會涼快一點.
幾天前在上班途中就看見了一幕可愛的景象, 情不自禁要把他拍下...小孩子就是喜歡下雨, 可以穿可愛的雨衣, 水boot, 還有最重要的可愛雨傘啊! 看着他一步一步走在前面就是很可愛,哈哈.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Time flies

I suddenly realized that i have not wrote for a long time here in my blog. Even worse, I forgot how to login to my account here. Life is so busy these two months and I am not sure what have i completed but only knowing that time flies.

Now i am sitting next to the window overseeing the Victoira Park at the library to continue my assignment, isn't it nice? The place is just quiet and peaceful (weekday morning only). The weather is wonderful today, it would be nice to hang out to the beach or outdoor to enjoy a coffee with nice breeze. The world outside is nothing to you.

Just wonder, when will we enjoy a relaxing day off during the weekdays together, my friends? It looks like it's a luxury to me.

Monday, July 17, 2006


最近公司又有人開始玩政治, 今次自己發現不可以再啞忍了, 我這次是真的很失望. 我絕對可以不聞不問, 照做自己份內事等出糧. 事情越來越不對勁, 我不可以再忍受不公義的事在發生, 也許你會說, 每處的辦公室也不過是一樣, 你可以怎樣? 改變世界? impossible? 我只是覺得要做正確的事, 我也不知道做的對不對. 也許都是時候去轉變一下環境, 雖然有一点憂慮, 我想我也不會後侮, 在一個失望的地方呆待豈不是浪費青春?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Perhaps Love

或者愛就是一個resting place, 它的存在是為了安慰你. 當你無助時, 寂寞時它會令你温暖, 愛的回憶就帶你回家.

Perhaps Love - John Denver

Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through

Oh, Love to some is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel

For some a way of living
For some a way to feel

And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you

Saturday, June 17, 2006


真係好忙,好倦, 工作開始踏入peak season, 又要趕交功課, 好似24小時都唔夠. 加埋世界杯, 仲忙D! 當我忙到嘔之際, 爸爸打电話來叫我今晚回家飲鮑魚煲雞湯, 當時我跟他說我有事忙可能不可以回家飲湯. 當我放下电話, 心裹有把聲音跟我說, 爸爸咁好咁錫你, 無論自己幾忙, 無任何其他事比他更重要. 於是我即刻回电給他說"我今晚返來"...回到家就是什麽煩惱也忘記, 吃着美味的魚蝦蟹, 喝着那鮑魚雞湯就是很滿足很開心. 爸爸煮的東西是最美味!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Funny thing happens everyday

Sometimes funny thing happens everyday. When I was having lunch at a hotel today, I asked the chef to cut me a piece of beef, then he asked me "Oh, is your last name XXXX?", then I replied "How do you know?", he said "of coz, it said at your name badge..." Ha ha ha...oh yes. He then told me his last name is also XXXX.

So up to now, you may wonder why I said it's funny. The funny part is there are not many people in chinese community who got this special last name, you can count the no. within 100 in the world. People who share the same last name with me are quite rare. We are so excited to talk to each other trying our best to identify our relationships...another funny part is we started throwing out all of our relatives' names in order to find out whether we are relatives or not. That can make my day.

I am just as simple, as easily satisfied like my Little Prince.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Little Prince

I do not own any dolls after a certain age of my life. But I do keep one for the rest of my's my Little Prince. I think you should know him too. I just love this story book, I read it when I was a child, I read again when I was a teenager and I read it again and again when I am an adult now.

If the world has no other choice, there is only one flower, one tree, you will treasure them and make good friend with it. Think about it, in reality, there are so many choices, we can alway choose a new one if we find the old one no good. There is no perfect world.

When I feel I am alone, I will think of Little Prince, he is my companion. He is just kind, gentle and pure.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


我係咪好蝦? Mr.A 承諾小妹promotion足足講左半年, 得個講字, 做唔到唔好應承人, 仲扮無野好似好落力, 你估小妹真係白痴嗎? 自問真的deserve promotion, 既然事情還在拖又無結果, 我巳經無晒motivation, 每日做好本份就走. 當你的盼望落空, 自然就無motivation, 跟住就去找第二條出路. 可能自已係好蝦, 唔識玩手段同搏老命爭取, 所以得來如此下場, 唔洗可憐...


最近衰到貼地, 繼食錯dirty food 肚瀉後, 小妹又唔小心自切手指尾血流如注, 再加上老細一拖再拖小妹的promotion, 我又病倒了. 咳到肺都快要穿了, 到夜晚就更厲害, 根本無可能睡覺, 一躺下便咳到死去活來. 精神及鬥志指數又再下滑, 真係低到見低啦! 有苦自己知, 好辛苦呀! 唯有耐心等侯反彈...彈番高少少啦! 唉!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

少奶奶的High Tea

話說某日weekday下午, 拉姑同TY做了幾個鐘"少奶奶". 就在一個悠閒的三點三時份, 佢地倆個走左去利園附近的一間小店, 小小的在街尾的一角. TY聽過陳太話此店cake cake聞名, 所以專誠去試試. 推開小店玻璃大門, 看見凍櫃放了大大小小精緻的cake cake, 旁邊給有5至6張小coffe table, 全白色很清雅, 樓底高高的掛着一盞水晶燈, 牆上掛了兩幅油畫. 走進去立即有位親切的小姐招呼我們坐下, 並誠意推薦其聞名的cake cake 及coffee. 我地梗係唔執書order晒啦, 我地試左mango cake - 好有芒果味,加了lemongrass, 味道清新. 重有個hazelnut 同 napoleon cake, 好好味呢! 此時此刻就以為自己做了少奶奶, 悠閒地歎住cofee and cake, 外面有外面的人在忙碌, 好自在咁! 偶一為之都可以, 日日咁悠閒都係等老D先啦!

David Tao's Music Power

陶喆就是陶喆. 他的音樂就是他的Power. 昨天晚上聽了他在香港第三個個人演唱會, 我對他信心十足, 他也從來不會令愛他的音樂的人失望. 我也十分滿足的享受他這場concert, 我怎樣也要給他一百分, 哈哈!

他每一首歌我也懂, 心裡就是跟他哼着每首歌, 也想其他觀眾靜心聽那些音樂, 現場演繹都好得不得了! 要我選一首他最精采的歌, 真的很難. 我是瘋狂的愛他第一張album, 就是買了兩隻CD咁多, 一隻擺响公司聽, 一隻放在家裡聽, 聽到CD都殘晒. 真的要選, 就是"流沙"和"飛機場的10:30", 正都不得了!

講番個concert, 我有一part好興奮, 就是他扮Bee Gees 的Barry Gibb把聲講野同唱Bee Gees的歌, 似到不得了, 一個字"正"! 唱晒 my favourite Bee Gees' songs - More Than A Woman, Staying Alive, etc, 重唱了多首80年代英文歌, 有True (my all time favourite), Shout, Uptown Girl, 再來多個"正"字. 除了唱歌, 他就是在他的音樂表達Love, 就是這個世界需要的愛.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

想一個人走到山上, 盡情的哭, 哭到淚水流乾.
想有一雙温暖的臂彎有力而又實在地抱着, 輕撫着.
想跟我最愛的人永遠一起, 到了人生盡頭, 可以在那裹再跟他們重聚.
想愛我的人有幸福, 想用一生去愛護他們, 不要他們受傷.
想愛我的人不要担憂我, 可以分享我的快樂.
想逃避複雜可伯的事和人, 自問無能力應付.
想吃一杯美味的呍呢拿雪糕, 最好再加個熱朱古力蛋糕, 什麽煩惱也可以忘記.
想什麼都不用想, 人生會過得更快樂.
想簡簡單單, 什麽都不用想.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

life is too short

Life is too short to be unhappy. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Don't care too much about everything, don't take things seriously. Life still go on without you. Seize the day and make it worth everyday for you. Pamper yourself with nice things, it could be a nice dessert with vanilla ice-cream, it could be a new lipstick, it could be a delicious dinner, it could be a good CD to listen.

Don't think you are important to anyone. They can still go on without you. Tell yourself you are important to yourself. No one is as important as yourself. Try to look at things from different angles. If someone misunderstand you, explain once and if he or she still misunderstands you, just leave it. Time will tell.

Love your family as they always love you. They love you at no price. Treat your friends honestly, otherwise they are not your friends.

Remember we are not born to be a "yes sir" robot.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Active cells in my blood

Though I admit I am no longer a jet-setter now. Deep down in my heart and blood, I think I still remain with some active "jet-setter" cells there. How do I know? It's easy, when I feel bored, the first thing comes to my mind is "vacation". When I found my savings account looks bad, the first thing I feel upset is that "I can't go anywhere for vacation". Or when you see me started to stare at my pictures being taken during vacation in my album,you will know the cells are still active.

Remember the days I went to Sabah and Bangkok with my crazy groupie, we laughed like crazy and we had so much fun together. We could laugh on every little things and could not stop. This is not easy in our daily life, back to work and normal life in HK, I can't laugh on every little things, I seldom laugh like crazy as I do when I was in vacation.

What can i do? Ha ha away la...ha ha!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Macau 自由行

最近與屋企人去了澳門一日遊, 大清早就在港澳碼頭集合. 有趣的是就在碼頭預備入閘之前, 其中一人無帶身份證, 於是她要回家取身份證再上船, 遲到好過無到. 還未試過去新落成的漁人碼頭, 一定耍去看看, 遠看還可以, 整体上是模仿埃及or阿拉伯建築, 入面有機動遊戲, 不過你會無興趣玩, 太幼稚了! 雖然入面還有商店及食肆, 可借貨品和食物也不大吸引, 到此一遊便算.

我最感安慰的是依舊水準保持一貫的好的澳門美食--my all-seasons favourite 蝦籽撈麵, 金莎鯪魚球, 蟹粥...到澳門遊其實都只不過單單為着吃一些價廉而又美味的食物罷, 同屋企人開開心心的一起逛逛, 其他玩什麼買什麽也一點都不重要.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


如果你看過中山美穗主演的"美味關係", 你一定不會忘記其中一幕, 就是當她喝了一碗很美味的高湯, 滿足得眼淚盈盈, 就是這個高湯的味度令她回憶起她爸爸生前所弄的高湯. 除了氣味, 食物也能喚醒一些回憶一些人和事. 我還記得小時候爸爸在weekend早上會給我做一份美味的生菜蕃茄三文治, 我就是開心的吃着看"飛天紅中俠". 還有公公抄的菜"韮黃抄瘦肉"和"豆腐蕃茄牛肉", 他還教我弄這兩度小菜實習. 婆婆煲的准山杞子湯和魚翅湯...就是我一生也不會忘記這些情景和味道, 這就是給我温暖和comfort的感覺, 就是一個"家"的感覺, 在那裹我可以沒有任何煩惱, 就是很滿足和温暖...我想我自己跟中山美穗一樣, 再吃一次的時候就是滿足和温暖得想流淚. 這就是我的comfort food.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

M&W (crossover with TY)

忽然興起要同TY玩多次crossover, 題目是M&W, 經典又provoking 的題目. 我絕對相信人天生就是需要一個伴, 但是世代轉變, 現在獨身巳經是見怪不怪. 有趣的是我看見現在還有很多"恨嫁"的單身女(年約30 or above)在市面上流動, 可悲的是男人人口比女性少, 令到30以上的單身女性好似多了無形的壓力, 無拖拍無婚結就被列入老姑婆系列. 30歲以上獨身男人的處境比女人好得多, 無拖拍未結婚就被人叫鑽石王老五.

本人並非時刻要戀愛之人, 但每當我有拖拍時, 就會被列入"有異牲無人性"行列. 我當然覺得自己不是這類人(偶然間咋), 每當好友笑我時, 我都好接受, 因咁樣証明佢地幾咁重視我. 當我single的時候, 又都係佢地同我渡過, 一樣好開心. 所以我認為有無拖拍, 有愛人無愛人, 人都可以生存得好好, 随時適應環境嘛! 何況你還有friend和家人愛惜你, 何需強迫自己随波逐流, let it be!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


本人先表明立場, 本人從來唔慶祝情人節 (縱使有情人or not), 因為覺得好老土&好無謂. 2月14日去街滿街都是”連體怪嬰”, 間間餐廳消費都sky high, 連一束普通玫瑰都動輒1000蚊, 好唔抵又好無謂. 我跟一眾女同事及朋友discuss Valentines’ Day, 我們(女人)大多數口話唔expect 情人節會有任何surprise, 但係心裹卻有少少盼望--想”佢會唔會真係送花比我呢?” , “佢會唔會比個surprise我呢?”, 跟住又自我安慰 “都係唔好啦, 浪費金錢, 送花比我都唔知擺邊好, 去食晚餐又貴…”
咁, 女人, 你究竟想点呀?

有趣的是今天的新聞提及有位男朋友訂了束花送去女友office, 但不幸間花店未能及時在office hour內送花到女友office, 於是乎男朋友為了表示自己”清白”, 要等女朋友放工一齊去花店理論及表明自己”有做野”. 所以你話, 情人節幾咁無謂…學同事A話, 情人節咪即係仇人節, 好地地又攪到唔開心的一個節日.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


咁快又過左個農曆新年, 今年小女子又約同三位好友大清早去花墟買花, 而家已經成了每年新年前的指定動作. 雖然當日落住密麻麻的雨水, 我地都好開心去揀花, 當一見到一朿束鮮花放滿整條街道, 什麼落雨濕身, 渴睡疲勞都暫時忘記. 最後小女子與朱主任一齊合力將廿枝劍蘭, 両朿百合, 五枝寸寸金捧回家…很重啊! 我地兩個都忍唔住在巴士上睡着…現在返到屋企一見到束花就會笑, 值得既!

BTW, 春田花花套戲都幾有趣呢, 去睇啦! 重有魔幻王國呀!

What a Wonderful World

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"

I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

George Weiss / Bob Thiele)
Louis Armstrong

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


誰人敢說自己從不說謊? 說謊是為了保護自己或別人? 是為了掩飾自己的錯失? 是為了逃避?
早前讀了一篇本地散文, 是一個從事廣告創作作者, 我很同意他的一個關於謊言的事實, 大家其實不用再執着那個人为什麼會說謊, 而是應該清楚明白說謊的後果 - 就是會將以前所說所作的真實事與大話一併賠上. 那是多麼的浪費啊! 還是少講為妙, ヌ或者最好唔再講大話啦.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Belgium chocolate

I love chocolate so much. Recently I found a new brand of chocolate which is so good. It's a Belgium chocolate and they claimed their chocolate is made everyday and being sent to HK by air almost everyday. I am sure their chocolates are so fresh, the taste is sooooooo good that I can't explain. Fresh chocolate is so tasty...milk chcolate, dark choclate with creme...

I started to fall in love with dark choclate lately - as said in some medical research, dark chocolate is good to health especially in preventing heart disease. As I guess I am easy to get heart attack, I am considering to take one dark choclate daily.