Though I admit I am no longer a jet-setter now. Deep down in my heart and blood, I think I still remain with some active "jet-setter" cells there. How do I know? It's easy, when I feel bored, the first thing comes to my mind is "vacation". When I found my savings account looks bad, the first thing I feel upset is that "I can't go anywhere for vacation". Or when you see me started to stare at my pictures being taken during vacation in my album,you will know the cells are still active.
Remember the days I went to Sabah and Bangkok with my crazy groupie, we laughed like crazy and we had so much fun together. We could laugh on every little things and could not stop. This is not easy in our daily life, back to work and normal life in HK, I can't laugh on every little things, I seldom laugh like crazy as I do when I was in vacation.
What can i do? Ha ha ha...fly away la...ha ha!