很久沒有寫blog, 因為覺得生活沒有什麼特別事很想去紀念, 直到今日...忽然很想分享, 很想去紀念. 不經不覺我已經pregnant 六個月了. 當知道懷孕, 自己不敢相信(雖然是PLANNED), 還是去 double check 了幾次才相信. 初時有點興奮及有點不知所措, 直至頭兩個月嘔吐發作, 簡直一點心機也沒有, 吃什麼也想吐, 無人生樂趣 :(
現在已踏進第六個月, 我很是喜歡pregnant的感覺了. 為什麽? 因為看見了baby fung在我的肚裏擺動他的手腳, 真的很感動. 正如Bible 所說 - Sons are heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him (Psalms 127:3). 孩子是 a gift from God!! 神賜了兒子給我們, 多辛苦多困難也要努力向前行, 神的引導和blessings 必與我們同在!
很開心今日同兩個好友到赤柱, 淺水灣&深水灣走走, 天氣極好, 很舒服! 挺着漸大的肚子走路, 我還是頗敏捷啊!! Baby Fung 這個月郁動得很活躍, 昨天晚上睡在牀上, 在身邊的老公也感受到Baby Fung的郁動, 可想他有幾活躍...哈哈! 還是昨晚睡前吃了件糯米雞, 他覺得好好味而興奮到手舞足蹈?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber at Fleet Street
帶着期待的心情剛看了 Tim Burton & Johnny Depp 炮製的Sweeney Todd, 幾凍都要出去啦!! 我
果然 made the right choice. 我個人很欣賞 Tim Burton and Jonny Depp 的才華, 加上今次每個選角都非常好, 令人睇得投入. 這套戲改編自百老滙舞台劇,所以 Tim Burton 這次都加入唱歌元素, 所有角色都要唱歌仔, 連Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Cater (添布頓女友), Alan Rickman (曾演香水 & Harry Potter), Sacha Baron Cohen (演波叔出城那位仁兄) 全部都要唱幾首, 效果真係不錯.
值得一提, Johnny Depp 依然depp 得杯落, 好鬼幽怨. 而Sacha扮演一位意大利Barbar, 連Italian accent 誇張到笑死. Alan Rickman 亦絕對好戲.
戲裏亦加入幽默元素, 雖然本人比較怕大量割喉見血場面, 但overall 電影我都好enjoy. 淨係短期內不會吃meat pie (i.e. chicken pie, mushroom pir, etc) 了.
果然 made the right choice. 我個人很欣賞 Tim Burton and Jonny Depp 的才華, 加上今次每個選角都非常好, 令人睇得投入. 這套戲改編自百老滙舞台劇,所以 Tim Burton 這次都加入唱歌元素, 所有角色都要唱歌仔, 連Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Cater (添布頓女友), Alan Rickman (曾演香水 & Harry Potter), Sacha Baron Cohen (演波叔出城那位仁兄) 全部都要唱幾首, 效果真係不錯.
值得一提, Johnny Depp 依然depp 得杯落, 好鬼幽怨. 而Sacha扮演一位意大利Barbar, 連Italian accent 誇張到笑死. Alan Rickman 亦絕對好戲.
戲裏亦加入幽默元素, 雖然本人比較怕大量割喉見血場面, 但overall 電影我都好enjoy. 淨係短期內不會吃meat pie (i.e. chicken pie, mushroom pir, etc) 了.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Cold Cold Weather
It's freezing here in HK these weeks. I think we seldom experience the cold weather over a week in the past. The worst part is that we know we have to survive for the following week during CNY.
I only wish that cold weather can leave us asap with the following 10 big reasons.
1) I have no mood to dress up myself to work or go out. Only picking up the same old thick coat everyday - they are all dark in color, just like the weather.
2) I can't eat ice-cream - though my hubby can still enjoy it during this weather.
3) I have to use heater at home - makes my skin feel dry.
4) I have to use the 暖水袋 - which i burn my hand when i filled up the bag.
5) I have to eat hot pot more often - which is hot air.
6) I have to warm up my pants before I wear it...
7) I don't want to leave my bed every morning
8) I worry about my grandparents whether they wear enough clothes to make themselves warm
9) My shoulder muscle is in pain
10) I have no mood to go hang out with my friends for happy hours, movies, concert, etc.
I only wish that cold weather can leave us asap with the following 10 big reasons.
1) I have no mood to dress up myself to work or go out. Only picking up the same old thick coat everyday - they are all dark in color, just like the weather.
2) I can't eat ice-cream - though my hubby can still enjoy it during this weather.
3) I have to use heater at home - makes my skin feel dry.
4) I have to use the 暖水袋 - which i burn my hand when i filled up the bag.
5) I have to eat hot pot more often - which is hot air.
6) I have to warm up my pants before I wear it...
7) I don't want to leave my bed every morning
8) I worry about my grandparents whether they wear enough clothes to make themselves warm
9) My shoulder muscle is in pain
10) I have no mood to go hang out with my friends for happy hours, movies, concert, etc.
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