Thursday, April 27, 2006
我係咪好蝦? Mr.A 承諾小妹promotion足足講左半年, 得個講字, 做唔到唔好應承人, 仲扮無野好似好落力, 你估小妹真係白痴嗎? 自問真的deserve promotion, 既然事情還在拖又無結果, 我巳經無晒motivation, 每日做好本份就走. 當你的盼望落空, 自然就無motivation, 跟住就去找第二條出路. 可能自已係好蝦, 唔識玩手段同搏老命爭取, 所以得來如此下場, 唔洗可憐...
最近衰到貼地, 繼食錯dirty food 肚瀉後, 小妹又唔小心自切手指尾血流如注, 再加上老細一拖再拖小妹的promotion, 我又病倒了. 咳到肺都快要穿了, 到夜晚就更厲害, 根本無可能睡覺, 一躺下便咳到死去活來. 精神及鬥志指數又再下滑, 真係低到見低啦! 有苦自己知, 好辛苦呀! 唯有耐心等侯反彈...彈番高少少啦! 唉!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
少奶奶的High Tea

話說某日weekday下午, 拉姑同TY做了幾個鐘"少奶奶". 就在一個悠閒的三點三時份, 佢地倆個走左去利園附近的一間小店, 小小的在街尾的一角. TY聽過陳太話此店cake cake聞名, 所以專誠去試試. 推開小店玻璃大門, 看見凍櫃放了大大小小精緻的cake cake, 旁邊給有5至6張小coffe table, 全白色很清雅, 樓底高高的掛着一盞水晶燈, 牆上掛了兩幅油畫. 走進去立即有位親切的小姐招呼我們坐下, 並誠意推薦其聞名的cake cake 及coffee. 我地梗係唔執書order晒啦, 我地試左mango cake - 好有芒果味,加了lemongrass, 味道清新. 重有個hazelnut 同 napoleon cake, 好好味呢! 此時此刻就以為自己做了少奶奶, 悠閒地歎住cofee and cake, 外面有外面的人在忙碌, 好自在咁! 偶一為之都可以, 日日咁悠閒都係等老D先啦!
David Tao's Music Power
陶喆就是陶喆. 他的音樂就是他的Power. 昨天晚上聽了他在香港第三個個人演唱會, 我對他信心十足, 他也從來不會令愛他的音樂的人失望. 我也十分滿足的享受他這場concert, 我怎樣也要給他一百分, 哈哈!
他每一首歌我也懂, 心裡就是跟他哼着每首歌, 也想其他觀眾靜心聽那些音樂, 現場演繹都好得不得了! 要我選一首他最精采的歌, 真的很難. 我是瘋狂的愛他第一張album, 就是買了兩隻CD咁多, 一隻擺响公司聽, 一隻放在家裡聽, 聽到CD都殘晒. 真的要選, 就是"流沙"和"飛機場的10:30", 正都不得了!
講番個concert, 我有一part好興奮, 就是他扮Bee Gees 的Barry Gibb把聲講野同唱Bee Gees的歌, 似到不得了, 一個字"正"! 唱晒 my favourite Bee Gees' songs - More Than A Woman, Staying Alive, etc, 重唱了多首80年代英文歌, 有True (my all time favourite), Shout, Uptown Girl, 再來多個"正"字. 除了唱歌, 他就是在他的音樂表達Love, 就是這個世界需要的愛.
他每一首歌我也懂, 心裡就是跟他哼着每首歌, 也想其他觀眾靜心聽那些音樂, 現場演繹都好得不得了! 要我選一首他最精采的歌, 真的很難. 我是瘋狂的愛他第一張album, 就是買了兩隻CD咁多, 一隻擺响公司聽, 一隻放在家裡聽, 聽到CD都殘晒. 真的要選, 就是"流沙"和"飛機場的10:30", 正都不得了!
講番個concert, 我有一part好興奮, 就是他扮Bee Gees 的Barry Gibb把聲講野同唱Bee Gees的歌, 似到不得了, 一個字"正"! 唱晒 my favourite Bee Gees' songs - More Than A Woman, Staying Alive, etc, 重唱了多首80年代英文歌, 有True (my all time favourite), Shout, Uptown Girl, 再來多個"正"字. 除了唱歌, 他就是在他的音樂表達Love, 就是這個世界需要的愛.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
想一個人走到山上, 盡情的哭, 哭到淚水流乾.
想有一雙温暖的臂彎有力而又實在地抱着, 輕撫着.
想跟我最愛的人永遠一起, 到了人生盡頭, 可以在那裹再跟他們重聚.
想愛我的人有幸福, 想用一生去愛護他們, 不要他們受傷.
想愛我的人不要担憂我, 可以分享我的快樂.
想逃避複雜可伯的事和人, 自問無能力應付.
想吃一杯美味的呍呢拿雪糕, 最好再加個熱朱古力蛋糕, 什麽煩惱也可以忘記.
想什麼都不用想, 人生會過得更快樂.
想簡簡單單, 什麽都不用想.
想有一雙温暖的臂彎有力而又實在地抱着, 輕撫着.
想跟我最愛的人永遠一起, 到了人生盡頭, 可以在那裹再跟他們重聚.
想愛我的人有幸福, 想用一生去愛護他們, 不要他們受傷.
想愛我的人不要担憂我, 可以分享我的快樂.
想逃避複雜可伯的事和人, 自問無能力應付.
想吃一杯美味的呍呢拿雪糕, 最好再加個熱朱古力蛋糕, 什麽煩惱也可以忘記.
想什麼都不用想, 人生會過得更快樂.
想簡簡單單, 什麽都不用想.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
life is too short
Life is too short to be unhappy. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Don't care too much about everything, don't take things seriously. Life still go on without you. Seize the day and make it worth everyday for you. Pamper yourself with nice things, it could be a nice dessert with vanilla ice-cream, it could be a new lipstick, it could be a delicious dinner, it could be a good CD to listen.
Don't think you are important to anyone. They can still go on without you. Tell yourself you are important to yourself. No one is as important as yourself. Try to look at things from different angles. If someone misunderstand you, explain once and if he or she still misunderstands you, just leave it. Time will tell.
Love your family as they always love you. They love you at no price. Treat your friends honestly, otherwise they are not your friends.
Remember we are not born to be a "yes sir" robot.
Don't think you are important to anyone. They can still go on without you. Tell yourself you are important to yourself. No one is as important as yourself. Try to look at things from different angles. If someone misunderstand you, explain once and if he or she still misunderstands you, just leave it. Time will tell.
Love your family as they always love you. They love you at no price. Treat your friends honestly, otherwise they are not your friends.
Remember we are not born to be a "yes sir" robot.
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