Today is a very different birthday to me. I bought myself a birthday cake (the first time in my life) and shared with my lovely colleagues while anti WTO demonstrations were happening around us, bought myself some little gifts when I was wondering at PP, grab an afternoon tea at M Kee by myself, receiving SMS from my best friends, one of them sent me a Donald Duck in the SMS which made me happy, "Sand Chai Keung" kindly bought me a new mobile phone as birthday gift, having dinner at Korean restaurant, seeing massaging chairs at department store...
I missed the birthday dinner with my best friends, my families, I love them so much.
Look at this, my OWN birthday cake (chcolate mousse), yummy!!!
Special thanks to Sand Chai Keung sponsoring my mobile phone and be patience with me, millions of thanks to my best friends who are so caring to me, countless thanks to my grandparents, Daddy and Mom, Uncle Four and my cousins who remember my birthday...I love you all. My tears are coming down, I am so thankful!!! I really love you all.
I love you too!!!hahahahaha~~~
How sweet of you!! I really love you whole-heartedly. I don't know what else to express my feelings...you gals are the one who stand by me whenever I am happy or sad...Friends Forever!!
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