Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Boss and Me

Working late at office tonight with my boss. Since 6pm to 8pm, we have not talked to each other and we seems like not noticing each other even existed. Then he suddenly came over to me and said "Oh, I can't stand anymore." and I said "Why are u still here?". He looked at me with a surprise expression "I was working!". I said "Me too". Ha ha ha...then he told me to leave soon and asked me to take time off soon (but he adds on that there is no way I can get it next week coz my Director is coming to visit us). So...it's a kind of "bullshit" between us...anyway, I just don't know what is he doing in office...may be it's the "Strategic" things, who knows?


Anonymous said...

有d野唔知好過知,特別係跟老細有關的 :p

Laigoo said...

知啊, 佢梗係有計仔啦! 我只不過是辦公室小薯仔咋! 仲係炸個隻.