Here I am @ Bangkok. Time flies so fast and today it's my 3rd day here. Things are going well and I have no worries about my work so far, thanks for God's blessings. I enjoy my time here, no rush to do things and I can relax at the hotel after work. Glad that I met a nice new friend from India here, she is mature and funny to hang out with. We share jokes, life talk and we have a great time tonight...we share a bottle of red wine and went to the Steak House at the hotel having delicious Lamb Chop!!
In this trip, I also has a great dinner with my "yiu yan" cousin and his friend here in Bangkok while he is having his vacation in town coincidentally. Eveything is so great and smooth here...dear all, don't worry, i did not shop crazy, no time to shop and so...don't expect I got souvenirs for everyone...ha ha ha!
I miss the food in Thailand,too. Yummy yummy!!!!
Me too, even though i just returned from there last week. How can you imagine to enjoy a delicious and comfortable meal there by paying a cheap price? There is no where you can get except Thailand...
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