Thursday, July 28, 2005
Here I am @ Bangkok. Time flies so fast and today it's my 3rd day here. Things are going well and I have no worries about my work so far, thanks for God's blessings. I enjoy my time here, no rush to do things and I can relax at the hotel after work. Glad that I met a nice new friend from India here, she is mature and funny to hang out with. We share jokes, life talk and we have a great time tonight...we share a bottle of red wine and went to the Steak House at the hotel having delicious Lamb Chop!!
In this trip, I also has a great dinner with my "yiu yan" cousin and his friend here in Bangkok while he is having his vacation in town coincidentally. Eveything is so great and smooth here...dear all, don't worry, i did not shop crazy, no time to shop and so...don't expect I got souvenirs for everyone...ha ha ha!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Family Day
很久都沒有試過好relax咁大吃大喝, 大前日晚上約了爸爸一pair同埋哎呀舅父仔1pair去食日本菜, 我地一口氣食4磅三文魚, 一隻sashimi船, 雞軟骨, 牛油果軟殼蟹shusi, 燒魚,海膽呀...哎呀唔記得咁多啦! 我地一路食一路傾一路笑, 加埋幾杯碑酒到肚, 真的非常之舒暢!! 我真係好開心啊! 真係要好好珍借愛護你的家人...
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My Dearest Grandpa
For me, the most repectful man on earth is my Grandpa. I love him coz he is the one who brought me up since i was a baby. He is the one who spoils and teaches me. He knows everything about me and he is the one who always have patience on me no matter what happened. He loves me coz I am the only one grandchild he bought up and he has hope on me. He loves me in every single details in my life.
Recently, i was so touched by one little thing he did to me. As I have told everyone at home that I will go for a business trip to Bangkok soon, one day when I returned home, I found there were two travel guide books about Bangkok on my table. Without hesitation, I can tell it's my Grandpa's great work. How could he be so considerate and so lovely? My tears almost run out at that moment...and I went to him and said wholeheartedly "Thank you, grandpa". He is so happy that I appreciate his great work.
Love is appreciate and being appreaciated, rite?
Recently, i was so touched by one little thing he did to me. As I have told everyone at home that I will go for a business trip to Bangkok soon, one day when I returned home, I found there were two travel guide books about Bangkok on my table. Without hesitation, I can tell it's my Grandpa's great work. How could he be so considerate and so lovely? My tears almost run out at that moment...and I went to him and said wholeheartedly "Thank you, grandpa". He is so happy that I appreciate his great work.
Love is appreciate and being appreaciated, rite?
I miss you
Suddenly I found myself missing so much of my Mom and Dad. So I picked up my phone and called my Mom, my mom picked up the phone and asked me "What's up?", I replied "Nothing, I just feel that I miss you so much." This is the very first time I do that and I feel so comfortable. Ok, I am going to call my Dad when he returns this week, I miss you so much!!!
Monday, July 18, 2005
A smile and a laugh
Don't know why I laugh a lot today, from morning to night when i am talking to my colleagues, my friends or clients. It's a pretty good exercise though. And i try to put a smile on my face most of the day, it works! I mean it makes life easier and happier. Let's remind ourselves to do this all the time.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Jet Setter 遊遊蕩蕩
Jet Setter的 business trip終於來啦! 跟上次trip 距離已經有5個月時間, 其實現在已經沒以往那種興奮的心情, 取而代之的是一種"無セ特別"的feeling. 可能自己真的開始對business trip 麻木了, 也習慣了自己一個人在陌生地方take care自己, 自己一個人做野, 食飯, 遊蕩...直至感覺自己有少少口臭就會走去同hotel staff 講野, 有時遇著健談的clients 都不錯, 個口無咁臭啊! 最開心一次在新加坡, 遇到5個好玩的clients, 大家約埋夜晚一起出去大吃Sri Lanka Pepper Crab (好大隻架)再直落去聽Jazz, 真係幾開心, 起碼自己一個人去唔到食Pepper crab 呀, 咁大隻!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Kae Kae 仔, 你幾時好似TY仔生番對腳行快D啦? 我已經好努力咁去feed你架啦, 點解你重係長不大呢? 第時比TY仔"恰"時, 你都有對腳去起飛腳or走快D嘛! 如果見到你有少少成長, 我都會好安慰! God blessed.
Relax, please!
經常提醒自己不要太認真, 要是自已對人對事都有要求也是令人很吃力啊! 但係有些事情自知放不下, 也不能強迫自己放棄, 所以到頭來自己還是不開心, 就是那麼矛盾...人生苦短, 大家應該睇開D還是認真D呢?
Monday, July 11, 2005
sunshine part II
通常一個完美故事背後都一點點不如意的事情發生...就係正當本格格可以毫無顧慮地躺在沙灘上曬命之際, 突然有一隻UFO, 俗稱不明飛行物体(飛碟呀, 知唔知?), 以高速連風帶沙的飛向本格格右眼. 幸而本格格命大, 未有任何受傷報告, 亦多得身旁"睇得唔知打唔打得"既保標即場喝止UFO...講番正經, 在埸救生員巳多次announce 叫人不耍玩球及UFO 但D人都好少理...眼見身旁很多在曬命的人都晒食餅(波餅), 希望D年青人要有自律, 在擠迫的沙灘上請不要打球同玩UFO, 真係傷害到別人時就大家都唔開心架啦! 樂極生悲, 知道嗎?
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Thanks God for offering us a sunny Sunday today. Spending time under the Sun on the beach was the best thing I did some sun tan...enjoying the scent of coppertone, sea, sand and sun...what a wonderful day I got after my recovery of sickness.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
既然答應別人要做的事, 請務必去實踐, 不要令人呆等和失望.
若然自知做不來, 請也不要隨便答應別人, 同樣是令人失望的呢!
隨口而出的說話是多麼容易, 若口說的跟所做的不一致, 真的很令人沮喪!
若然自知做不來, 請也不要隨便答應別人, 同樣是令人失望的呢!
隨口而出的說話是多麼容易, 若口說的跟所做的不一致, 真的很令人沮喪!
還是倒下來 (小病是福?)
平日上班一切都是很正常的, 奈何放了一天假自己便病倒了, 感冒加發燒喉嚨發炎, 真的是一次過大陣象. 同事說我是一隻賤骨頭, 成日鍾意係公司做野, 好似好勤力咁, 叫我要balance一下, 否則會在退休後兩年sayonara...好驚啊!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
你有無去菲律賓人開的餐廳食飯呢? 食過菲律賓餐未? 不過可能你都食得多你家裏賓賓煮的食物...但係唔同架! 今日無端端跟左同事去左公司附近的一間小賓賓快餐店, 原來佢地既飯盒係好正架, 唔係只得乾過荷包的燒雞, 佢地有燜牛腩, 滷牛肉, 滷雞腿仔, 燒魚啦! 有汁又美味, 22蚊個大大飯盒都是一個不錯的alternative, 唔洗成日淨係食叉燒飯同焗豬啦!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
每天上班打扮整齊預備出門時, 我的婆婆偶然都會向我品評一番, 每次她都會用最精簡的來給我意見, 是好是壞要靠你自己的領悟能力. 印象最深莫過於"越南妹", 話說本格格穿了一件其實是印度feel既及膝上衣加一條長褲, 當出門之際, 婆婆向我講"哎呀,成個越南妹!", 初時也不為意, 直到返到公司就越覺自己真是一副Vietnam 北漏道nite 打扮, 於是從此就將件衫收埋. 直至昨日, 穿了一條綠色啡色間條百褶裙上班, 被說"好似西瓜"(M 記hello kitty 扮西瓜那隻), 係唔知好嬲定好笑, 但係我選擇笑, 重要好大聲個隻, 跟住學會了催眠自己"我著乜都好睇架啦!係西瓜都係正西瓜啦!"...
Monday, July 04, 2005
我們最近都以為湯告魯斯加史提芬史匹堡的"強戰世界", 絕對會是信心保證, sorry! 大家都請不要抱太大期望了. 用六十元去看"頭文字D"可能會開心一點, 這套所謂大製作, 可取的只是特技, 故事一點也不吸引, 太多情節很不合邏輯, 結局還落雨收柴, 真的令我們很失望.
順帶一提, 我們竟然今時今日還會在戲院內遇上"在播放電影途中聽電話"的人 god, 到底你們何時才學會considerate 和尊重別人啊?
順帶一提, 我們竟然今時今日還會在戲院內遇上"在播放電影途中聽電話"的人 god, 到底你們何時才學會considerate 和尊重別人啊?
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