Friday, November 30, 2012

Casual Friday^_^

Finally it is Friday and it is not cold!

Monday, November 12, 2012

High heels,long time no see!

This is the first time i wear again my high heels since I have Benjie!! That means it has been three years+ that i haven't touched my collection of high heels! just took a pic to memorize this special day!

Friday, November 09, 2012

My Boy

Time flies! My boy is now 3.5 year old, it is amazing!! What have I done in the past 3 year? I was worrying if he was having speech delay just last december and now he talks like an adult almost! It's just happened over night as it seems. At this age, the challenge is to educate him the right behaviour and words. Also, the challenge to train him to go to toilet on how own. It's a process and it takes a lot of patience. Now he asks almost every station when we are on the bus, mtr or car...he now knows to challenge my bottom line on various things.  I am just proud of myself being a mother of this little guy. Constantly I remind my self to enjoy the most at this age with him because when he entered the age of 6 or 7 over, he won't be that sweet and attach to you. He will become teenager and then become a guy.  So I need to prepare myself psychologically that he won't come over to kiss my lips or cheeks when he gets older, just like everyone of us.

Do we still kiss our parents now? Do we still hug them? I am sure most of us do not kiss our parents anymore as adult. But I do hug my father, i do hold hands with my father and grandfather. I want to hug them tight!