Wednesday, January 11, 2006


誰人敢說自己從不說謊? 說謊是為了保護自己或別人? 是為了掩飾自己的錯失? 是為了逃避?
早前讀了一篇本地散文, 是一個從事廣告創作作者, 我很同意他的一個關於謊言的事實, 大家其實不用再執着那個人为什麼會說謊, 而是應該清楚明白說謊的後果 - 就是會將以前所說所作的真實事與大話一併賠上. 那是多麼的浪費啊! 還是少講為妙, ヌ或者最好唔再講大話啦.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Belgium chocolate

I love chocolate so much. Recently I found a new brand of chocolate which is so good. It's a Belgium chocolate and they claimed their chocolate is made everyday and being sent to HK by air almost everyday. I am sure their chocolates are so fresh, the taste is sooooooo good that I can't explain. Fresh chocolate is so tasty...milk chcolate, dark choclate with creme...

I started to fall in love with dark choclate lately - as said in some medical research, dark chocolate is good to health especially in preventing heart disease. As I guess I am easy to get heart attack, I am considering to take one dark choclate daily.