Where is my contact len on my right eye? I think I have been taking it out but now I am not sure if I have taken out yet...it looks like it's been taken out but I am not sure coz' i can't find the len anywhere...this is scary...I looked at my right eye in the mirror, it looks like it's been taken out...ai ya...
What if the contact len still exist on your right eyes for more than one day and then forever...I think I better ask someone tomorrow morning "Can you see there is a contact len on my right eye?"
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Boney M
今早坐的士去中環機鐵站check-in, 在的士途中, 的士叔叔播住Boney M 的經典名曲 "Sunny", 我心裏想的士叔叔梗係聽梗收音機啦. 點知下一首係Boney M的Ma Baker, 再來多隻Daddy Cool...哈哈! 心裏想的士叔叔咁有taste, 佢係成隻Boney M 精選CD放在的士內播...oops...弊! 我有跟住隻Ma Baker 哼"Ma ma ma ma, Ma Baker, she taught her four sons...ma ma ma ma, Ma Baker to handle their guns..." 我...我BB仔時巳經聽爸爸D Boney M 歌架啦...嘻嘻!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sweet Dream?
昨晚睡得很差, 做了兩個惡夢, 之後便睡不着了. 於是今天早上6時便起身返工, 心裏不停的聽自己relax 一點, 只是做夢吧了…吃個醒晨早餐會否好一點? 快D放個假會否好一點? 什麼都不理會否好一點? 我係唔係比壓力自己? 我也不太清楚…我唔要咁後生就要食太太口服液呀…或者我要做番吓運動會好一點. 唔通學阿婆話齋發惡夢係因為熱氣?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Here comes the sunshine today...tears falling down.
Glad to see Kae Kae is growing, when u point at her, she will shake her head...cute!
Glad to see Kae Kae is growing, when u point at her, she will shake her head...cute!
6 more days to go...Singapore, I am coming!!! It's been ten months since I was there.
I miss my friends in Singapore.I miss the time that I am carefree in somewhere else. My Singapore friend said that I should try the Durian mooncake in Singapore this time, it's very special that I can't find it in HK. I am looking forward to EAT!
I miss my friends in Singapore.I miss the time that I am carefree in somewhere else. My Singapore friend said that I should try the Durian mooncake in Singapore this time, it's very special that I can't find it in HK. I am looking forward to EAT!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I miss sunshine!!
When will the rain stop? When will I see sunshine again? It's dark everyday...how discouraging!!!!! I already have more than 4 pairs of shoes soaked in rain water last week...may be we should get the "yellow boots" which might be better.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
When You're Smiling
When you’re smiling, when you’re smiling,
The whole world smiles with you;
When you’re laughing, when you’re laughing,
The sun comes shining through.
But when you’re crying you bring on the rain,
So stop your sigh – ing, be happy again.
Keep on smiling, cause when you’re smiling,
The whole world smiles with you.
Words & music by Mark Fisher, Joe Goodwin & Larry Shay, 1928
I like the versions sang by Billie Holiday and the one by Louis Armstrong.
Isn't it the lyris nice and simple? You can listen to it when you feel blue.
The whole world smiles with you;
When you’re laughing, when you’re laughing,
The sun comes shining through.
But when you’re crying you bring on the rain,
So stop your sigh – ing, be happy again.
Keep on smiling, cause when you’re smiling,
The whole world smiles with you.
Words & music by Mark Fisher, Joe Goodwin & Larry Shay, 1928
I like the versions sang by Billie Holiday and the one by Louis Armstrong.
Isn't it the lyris nice and simple? You can listen to it when you feel blue.
Chilli Hot Dog & Juicy Hamburger!!!
忽然間我很想吃chilli hot dog. 還想起幾年前同成班朋友去Florida玩, 我地係酒店附近發現一間小小的hotdog店, 那是我第一次嘗到美味無比的chilli hot dog, 除了有隻hot dog 係個飽入面, 最精彩係個chilli 肉碎sauce, 呢隻汁绝對係隻chilli hot dog 既精華所在. 返到香港, 好難搵到好味的chilli hot dog, 我依希記得係荷里活道附近有一開小小的hotdog店, 那裏的味道也算不錯, 可以頂住少少我對chilly hot dog 既欲望.
提到hotdog, 我又想起hamburger, 絕對同M記無關, 我要講既係香港至好味的hamburger...就係在金鐘西武地窖Great入面那個hamburger store (sorry 忘記了名字). 那裏的hamburger 漢堡牛肉內有美味肉汁, 配料又多, 好juicy架! Yummy...我好想而家就去食呀!
提到hotdog, 我又想起hamburger, 絕對同M記無關, 我要講既係香港至好味的hamburger...就係在金鐘西武地窖Great入面那個hamburger store (sorry 忘記了名字). 那裏的hamburger 漢堡牛肉內有美味肉汁, 配料又多, 好juicy架! Yummy...我好想而家就去食呀!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Good news again
Hurray! Yeah! Kae Kae finally grows, have you noticed that? It grows ears and legs now. And you may not notice that I have put a lot of effort to make it grow, I have failed many times in the past few months...so now I can say "who never fail?".
I am pleased to see the success after failure, no words can describe it. Please allow me to say a special thanks to TY chai and TY mom, they have offered me a lot of comments and encouragement. Yeah!
I am pleased to see the success after failure, no words can describe it. Please allow me to say a special thanks to TY chai and TY mom, they have offered me a lot of comments and encouragement. Yeah!
Monday, August 15, 2005
who never fails?
If you fail again and again, you may choose to try again, you may give up or you may never do it again. Failure can hurt, I am not sure if hurt can be recovered or not, I guess it depends on whether you have the courage to overcome it or not, rite?
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Good News
I have several good news today. One is my Kae Kae started to grow today, it will grow the legs soon, no need to "lang" anymore. I will work harder! The second good news is I watched a very good movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" very touching and highly recommended to kids. The third is...I am so thankful to God's bless! God said " I will never abandon you".
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Safe in A Crazy World
好耐無走入HMV逛, 今日早上十點半就情不自禁走入去吸吓少少音樂气息.今次發現有新血, 就是一個唱作人名字叫Corrinne May, 一位擁有優雅嗓子的新加坡人, 她有非常strong的音樂background, 後來更在美國被音樂人所賞識, "Safe in a Crazy World" 是她首張個人album...我正正被她的聲線及melody 所吸引, 淨聽頭兩首歌我就在CD架上拿去cashier 付錢帶她回家!! 有機會你都去聽下啦!
You keep me flying, you keep me smiling
You keep me safe in a crazy world
You understand me, embrace my fragility
You keep me safe in a crazy world
And in your arms I find the strength
To believe in me again
- "Safe in a Crazy World"
You keep me flying, you keep me smiling
You keep me safe in a crazy world
You understand me, embrace my fragility
You keep me safe in a crazy world
And in your arms I find the strength
To believe in me again
- "Safe in a Crazy World"
Friday, August 12, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
我真的很倦啊! 我好想放假呀! 淨係比我3日, 睡到中午, 起身悠悠閑食個早餐,跟住望住個靚沙灘,攤係度曬太陽, 有陣陣海風吹, 再叫番杯冰涼什果汁, 熱熱地又跳落水浸下...肚餓食番個多汁既double 芝士hamburger...返酒店冲個涼又到晚餐時間, 食個海鮮大餐, 飲少少ice wine, high high 地, 赤脚又走去沙灘吹吹風, 望下月光. 最好酒店房有露台有張搖搖椅...坐上去搖搖下入睡!
無憂無慮, 無拘無束3日, 夫復何求!! 呀...
無憂無慮, 無拘無束3日, 夫復何求!! 呀...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Charlie And the Chocolate Factory

期待已的Johnny Depp and Tim Burton 又來啦! 今日同事"朱古luck" email 左Johnny Depp係呢套戲入面的poster 比我, 於是即刻登入套戲的official website 睇睇. 發現呢個故仔好熟, 故事講 Johnny Depp 演的 Willy Wonka 係一間朱古力廠主人, 因年紀大要找繼承人主持朱告力廠, 於是發起一個contest - 任何人在他廠所製的chocolate bar內找到golden ticket就可以參加比賽...當然最後由一個善良而貧困的主腳 Charlie Bucket 勝出.
我相信Tim Burton 套戲畫面一定好豐富as usual (淨睇個website都可以知道). 加埋 Johnny Depp 就真的"depp"得杯落 (sorry! 粗俗左DD), 我想呢個故仔係話比人知, 要是你太自負, 太依賴, 太貪心最終都失敗. 做人應該要善良正直至得架, 係咪?
Your Eye
在一個細小的辦公室, 如果你有一個好自私的同事跟你天天見 (仲多過你見自己父母), 都咪話唔煩! 你當然可以唔好點理佢, 不過, 如果佢有日染了一種"不知名" 病菌(actually 淨係佢自己知係乜但佢唔話你知)and then 照返工, 你見到佢隻右眼又紅又腫又水汪汪, 仲話比你知佢呢隻菌會腐蝕佢隻眼的 outer layer 直至全部蝕晒等再生番層新layer 至會好...仲話比你知醫生比佢5日sick leave, and then又話呢隻菌只有在共用毛巾先至會傳染...你會有何感想?
T Y 話仲唔快D 1:99 !! Hope it's not "e bor lai"! 唯有一日洗幾十次手, 又唔敢掂自己塊面囉! 小心駛得萬年船啊!
T Y 話仲唔快D 1:99 !! Hope it's not "e bor lai"! 唯有一日洗幾十次手, 又唔敢掂自己塊面囉! 小心駛得萬年船啊!
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